Spiral Practitioner Agreement.
Last Updated November 9th 2022
The intention of this agreement is to nurture the reputation of "The Spiral" and the community of Spiral Practitioners. This agreement is mandatory for all certified Spiral Practitioners.
TSI = The Spiral Institute a.k.a. the Spiral School of Awakening
SP = Spiral Practitioner
The SP = the person agreeing to this contract
The SP certification only applies to the individual who completed the training through the TSI. The SP is not permitted to extend their certification to anyone else.
Duty of Care
The SP agrees to maintain their duty of care towards their clients. This means an obligation to exercise care, due diligence and skill. If that duty of care is breached, practitioners could be accused of being negligent and can be sued in a civil court.
The SP agrees to provide care to their clients at a standard appropriate to a reasonably competent practitioner and within their scope of practice. The SP agrees to avoid risks that are likely to cause harm to clients.
If sufficient care is not taken, a practitioner can be accused of being negligent - for example, if a practitioner fails to recommend that a client seeks medical advice if they present with a condition that is beyond the practitioner’s scope of practice and level of expertise.
While a practitioner cannot force a client to seek medical advice, practitioners have an obligation to recommend a client seek advice if there are physical or mental health concerns.
In order to exercise duty of care, The SP agrees to:
Keep up to date with relevant training and developments.
Provide clients with information and warn of any risks.
Obtain consent every time before muscle testing.
Be clear about their role and not go beyond their scope of practice as a Spiral Practitioner (in terms of skills, qualifications, experience and training).
Keep good notes and document any issues (including red flags and risks).
Recognise the limitations of what they can provide and refer clients to other competent health service providers in appropriate circumstances (GPs, qualified mental health professionals and alternative health practitioners, as well as helplines and websites).
Encourage clients to inform their treating medical practitioner (if any) of the sessions that the client is undergoing.
NOT engage in any form of misinformation or misrepresentation in relation to the services being offered as well as the qualifications, training or professional affiliations the practitioner holds.
NOT practise under the influence of alcohol or unlawful substances.
Scope of Practice
The SP agrees to conduct their professional practice with reasonable skill and learning. In no way will they misrepresent their level of training, expertise, experience or qualification.
The SP agrees not to claim or represent that they are able to cure physical ailments or illnesses.
The SP agrees to take all reasonable measures to ensure that their client understands the scope of their practice before commencing work together. This includes communicating to each client in writing that:
The Spiral is not a mental health modality
The client is responsible for their own health and safety. The SP is not.
In the case that a client discloses a mental health risk, the SP will gather a letter of approval from the client’s qualified mental health provider before commencing work together.
The SP agrees not to promote or offer work or advice beyond their level of competence or training. The Spiral Practitioner Training does not qualify the SP to teach self clearing to clients or to practice Quantum Clears or Group Spiral Sessions. The SP agrees to participate in the relevant training(s) before practicing these processes.
Professional Conduct
The SP agrees to maintain ethical standards and show politeness and consideration to clients, other SPs and the SP community. The SP agrees to be professional and comply with generally accepted standards of moral behaviour and decency.
The SP agrees to ensure that they maintain professional boundaries and a relationship of trust with clients at all times. Professional boundaries refer to the limits and parameters that are set within the therapeutic relationship. The establishment of clear boundaries is intended to create a safe space where healing can take place.
The SP agrees not to engage in a sexual or other inappropriate close personal, physical or emotional relationship with a client (unless there was already such a relationship established prior to entering into a practitioner/client relationship). It is also recommended that practitioners ensure that a reasonable period of time has elapsed since the conclusion of the therapeutic relationship before engaging in a sexual relationship with a client.
Why is this?
To allow the focus of the practitioner/client relationship to be on healing: Safety and trust are necessary for healing to take place.
Power differential: Clients are vulnerable because they are disclosing personal information to practitioners and allowing them to enter their energetic field.
To avoid transference and counter transference: Transference can occur when a client personalises the professional relationship and can manifest in the client engaging in personal conversations or demanding more time from the practitioner. Counter transference can occur when a practitioner is unable to separate the professional relationship from a personal one and can manifest in the form of having sexual feelings for the client, or having the client meet particular emotional needs.
It is important to note that unwelcome sexual advances in the provision of goods and services can constitute sexual harassment and practitioners can be sued for sexual harassment under civil law.
The SP agrees to direct each client to seek additional support from qualified professionals in the case that the client requires assistance that falls outside the SP’s skills, qualifications, level or field of expertise.
Client Consent
The SP agrees to ensure that all clients give informed consent to any and all services. This includes ensuring that clients understand what a session involves and possible consequences/results and risks of a Spiral/clearing session.
If a client is unable to give informed consent due to age, the SP agrees to obtain consent by the client’s legal guardian, and will not commence with any work or advice until such consent is obtained.
Informed consent requires that the client is aware of what they are consenting to. This requires a practitioner to explain a session strategy to them, particularly if it is their first session. Risks should also be explained: For example, that a client may experience an emotional release after a session and may require additional self-care and support (rest, sleep, massage, hydration, nutrition etc). It is recommended to explain the five bodies model as a tool for integration and that the client should make time for integration activities and journaling after a session.
Key principles of consent:
Communication is the key to consent. Make sure clients are well-informed and are aware of any agreements and expectations. If using a written consent form, practitioners should take the time to go through it with the client so that they understand it.
Consent can be given verbally, in writing or by implication. In practice, consent is generally verbal, however it is highly recommended to seek written consent prior to commencing sessions with a new client.
Consent is dynamic. What might be ok one week may not necessarily be ok the following week. It is the practitioner’s responsibility to ensure the client is comfortable and consenting at all times (ideally at the start of each session).
Consent may be withdrawn at any time by the client and this must be respected by the practitioner.
Consent must be clear and definitive.
It is recommended to document consent in client records.
The SP agrees not to discriminate against people on the basis of gender, sexuality, race, religion or political beliefs etc. See The Australian Human Rights Commission for more information.
Documentation & Privacy
The SP agrees to maintain up to date, accurate and legible records for each client session. Session recordings are held securely and are not subject to unauthorised access.
The SP agrees to comply with the relevant privacy laws that apply to client’s health information, including (a) the Health Records Act 2001; and (b) the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014; and (c) the Privacy Act 1988 of the Commonwealth. The SP warrants that they are aware of such laws and understands them.
The SP agrees to maintain confidentiality with clients to the same level as that expected of a medical physician – patient relationship.
Practitioners are responsible for arranging their own appropriate indemnity insurance to cover themselves under this agreement. Our recommended insurance provider is IICT where the Spiral is a registered Complementary Care Modality https://www.myiict.com/
Client Safety
The SP agrees to take all reasonable precautions to avoid doing harm to any client.
The SP agrees to take all reasonable measures to ensure that they understand the risk factors for every client that they work with before commencing work together. These include, but are not limited to:
Ensuring that their clients fill out the recommended intake questionnaire (or equivalent)
Reviewing the questionnaire
Clarifying and retrieving any missing information so that they are fully informed
The SP agrees to only work with clients that:
Commit to take full responsibility for their own health and safety
Have the ability to care for their own health and safety
The SP is reasonably confident to work with
The SP is qualified to work with
The SP is equipped to support (taking any current risk factors into consideration)
In the interests of client safety, the SP agrees to
Provide a safe and judgement-free environment for their clients during sessions.
Refrain from putting their clients at risk due to their own physical or mental health problems
Inform The Spiral Institute if they have perceived or actual physical or mental health problems that would affect their work with clients as a Spiral Practitioner.
Respect each client’s physical and emotional state, and shall not abuse clients through actions or words, nor take advantage of the relationship, including financial exploitation.
Refrain from using clearing tools to manipulate or influence according to the Practitioner’s own agenda.
Refrain from conducting sessions with clients while under the influence of alcohol, marijuana and unlawful substances.
Refrain from engaging in sexual misconduct with clients.
Refrain from discouraging clients from seeking other health care.
Refer the client to a different practitioner if the SP is unable to complete The Spiral process with a client due to personal or health reasons.
The SP agrees to seek advice from The Spiral Institute within a reasonable timeframe if
The Practitioner-Client relationship breaks down at any point through the process.
They do not understand any part of the Practitioner-Client relationship guidelines.
The SP indemnifies TSI and it’s respective officers, servants, employees and agents, against all losses, liabilities, claims and expenses which arise from
Any act or omission of the SP in connection with their Certification by The Spiral Institute, whether at common law, or for breach of statutory duty, or under any other statute or law;
Any injury or damage suffered by the Practitioner through its practice as a Spiral Practitioner;
Without limiting the above, any act or omission of the Practitioner that causes or contributes to any loss, liability, claim or expense being incurred by The Spiral Institute in connection with the Practitioner.
Spiral Practice Guidelines
The SP agrees to follow the basic structures presented within the Emotional Clearing and Spiral Practitioner manuals and training. These manuals are the foundational guide for clearing techniques. The SP agrees to follow the structures as outlined in the manual, including but not limited to the following:
The Emotional Clearing Chart is to be used when clearing emotions.
A root clear has three installations.
A complete Spiral level consists of three root clears (or four in the case of level seven).
The Spiral is to be sold as one offering, to be delivered over at least eight sessions spaced approximately one to two weeks apart.
A final integration session is to be offered on completion of the seven levels and is to be included as part of The Spiral package.
The five bodies model is to be used as an integration tool at the end of each session.
A clearing session is also to include consent and intention setting at the start of each session.
A statement clear includes both the positive and negative aspects of a statement (the golden rule is always clear both sides).
A manifestation clear runs downward through the seven Chakras.
A quantum clear is only to be performed by a practitioner who has done the Advanced Practitioner quantum clear training and only on clients who have completed The Spiral.
The SP must complete the live SP training and their written assessment must be graded and approved before they are considered to be certified as a practitioner.
The SP agrees to seek advice from The Spiral Institute if there is anything about the clearing techniques they do not understand.
Reputation Of The Spiral Institute
The SP agrees to refrain from behaving in any manner that may bring The Spiral or The Spiral Institute into disrepute, including making claims or statements which may bring The Spiral or The Spiral Institute into disrepute.
The SP agrees only to advertise themselves as a SP if they have current and up to date certification.
The SP agrees to ensure that any advertising mentioning The Spiral name be ethical in nature. The SP agrees to refrain from making exaggerated or misleading claims in their advertising bearing The Spiral name.
The SP agrees to refrain from training others in the SP training practices or any other Spiral or emotional clearing practices.
Community Engagement
The Spiral Practitioner Community Facebook Group
The Spiral Practitioners Community Facebook group is primarily for mutual support and encouragement of other practitioners, session swaps, requests for clarity on clearing techniques, client management and arranging of Spiral Practitioner social events. It is intended to be a positive resource to develop skills and confidence as a practitioner of this work.
The SP agrees to
Utilize the group to ask for support when they require it.
Interact and provide support whenever possible.
Be respectful of others in the group at all times.
Refrain from sharing of memes or internet links within the group.
Refrain from advertising and self promotion within the group.
Adhere to TSI guidelines in all communications within the group.
Intellectual Property
The SP recognises that the following is the the intellectual property of TSI
Clear Your Shit
The Spiral
Manifestation Clears
Root Clears
Quantum Clears
The SP acknowledges that these formats, modalities, and their titles (as registered or unregistered trademarks), belong to The Spiral Institute in the very least in the form of a literary copyright.
The SP acknowledges that such formats, modalities and titles are to be delivered in the form that they are represented within “The Spiral Practitioner Training Manual”.
The SP is given permission by way of license for the length of their tenure as a Spiral Practitioner to use these techniques and titles commercially and in marketing, and for the ultimate purpose of healing only.
The SP agrees to refrain from creating, offering or selling any other forms, versions, adaptations, or ancillary theories or teachings of The Spiral (e.g. Relationship Spiral) without receiving explicit written consent from TSI to do so.
The SP agrees not to change or adjust the brand name “The Spiral” or any name that closely resembles it, or include the words “the spiral” in any variations on The Spiral as defined in The Training Manual. This includes, but is not limited to, practices with clients, with the public at large, and in marketing materials. When you are marketing the spiral is is the Spiral.
The SP agrees to give attribution to The Spiral Institute where appropriate and will not portray themselves as the creator of The Spiral clearing techniques.
The Spiral Institute reserves the right to decertify any practitioner who fails to adhere to any of the core agreements, fails to honour the values of TSI, or behaves in a manner that is unsafe, irresponsible or unethical.
When a Spiral Practitioner is decertified, they forfeit the rights to practice and to promote themselves as a Spiral Practitioner. This includes all forms of promotion, including verbally, in writing, in marketing materials or in any other format or context.
If The Spiral leadership team discovers a minor infringement of TSI’s agreements or values, TSI will first attempt to resolve the matter through a verbal conversation. The Spiral Institute will communicate the breach and make sure that it is understood. From there, an appropriate action will be determined by The Spiral Institute at the sole discretion of The Spiral Institute, which may include additional training or support.
In the case that the Agreement is breached a second time, a meeting will be held by the leadership team to discuss the severity of the breach and agree upon an appropriate action. In most circumstances, the practitioner’s certification will be revoked immediately.
TSI will immediately revoke the certification of any practitioner who:
Refuses to adhere to the practitioner agreement
Does not immediately address concerns that are brought by TSI to the practitioner
Enacts a major violation The Spiral Institute values in a session or in a public space
Commits a crime
Is found to be unsafe to clients, other practitioners or any other members of the community
In the case that the SP is decertified, they can appeal to TSI leadership team in writing. TSI will assess each appeal on a case by case basis. An independent mediation service will be used, with the cost being split between The Spiral Institute and the Practitioner.
TSI reserves the right to amend this agreement at any time. In the case that this agreement is amended, all SPs will be sent notification of these changes to the email address that they registered with. The SP must agree to the most up-to-date version of this agreement within 30 days in order to retain their SP certification.