Unlock Your Potential for Success and Abundance through Emotional Mastery

Are you ready to take your personal growth to the next level? 

Are you committed to mastering your mindset and emotions for radical self-responsibility?

Would you like to learn how to dissolve conflict with yourself or others in minutes?


If you’ve been looking for cutting-edge tools for instant emotional mastery, and manifestation then the Emotional Clearing Course is tailor-made for you!

In today's uncertain and ever-changing world, the ability to stay steady, centred, and focused is what sets apart the true leaders—the ones who become powerfully magnetic and trusted by others. And that's exactly what the Emotional Clearing Course offers.

Discover the Emotional Clearing secrets of The Spiral Method for yourself. This is a comprehensive personal growth online training program that combines the power of Kinesiology, NLP, Ayurvedic Chakra System, Traditional Chinese Medicine's 5 Elements, and Levels of Consciousness. This powerful synthesis creates a meta-map that will allow you to identify and clear hidden blocks in your unconscious mind and body faster than you ever thought possible.

✔️ Have you ever had an argument with someone and felt awful for day afterwards?

✔️ Have you ever been so stressed before a meeting or event that you felt sick and couldn’t sleep before?

✔️ Imagine being able to diffuse the emotional stress in your body, at home, by yourself in just minutes?

By learning these powerful clearing tools and processes you have a resource you can use for life, anytime you need it to clear stress, or create more peace and harmony in a relationship, or manifest your ideal reality.

When you learn this systematic pathway to release unwanted programming on all levels of your being—mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically, and spiritually—you can finally let go of anything that no longer serves you. When you have this skill at your fingertips, you can elevate your frequency and magnetism, and pave the way for your desired reality to manifest more effortlessly. 

Through learning Emotional Clearing, you'll experience the following transformative outcomes:



Tap into your subconscious through your fingertips


Clear past baggage hidden in your mind and body that slows you down


Release limiting beliefs and emotional baggage in seconds



Heal relationship wounds and shift interpersonal conflict instantly


Discover the hidden pathway inside your body to manifest your desires


Raise your consciousness in minutes


The program is delivered through an online course you can study in the comfort of your own home, at a time and pace that suits you.

Each module will teach you a powerful Self-Clearing Process that can become a power up resource for you whenever you need it.

Once you learn these tools they can become a part of daily practices that you can do in minutes, to clean up your energy, mindset, and emotional stability. 


Now, you may be wondering; sure, feeling better sounds good, but can I use this to make more money?

Absolutely! You can use these tools to focus on healing any area of your life, and clearing around wealth, money and beliefs about being rich and having financial success, can pay off big time! When you clear your money blocks, insecurities, fears, and frustrations the minute they arise within you, you'll remain calm and focused, eliminating wasted time on self-imposed limitations and fears. Then as you raise your frequency and align with the manifestation pathway within your body, you'll accelerate the creation of your ideal outcomes.

Many people increase their prices or ask for a raise more easily. And by shifting your frequency, you become a match to more opportunities and synchronicity to show up for you! Say goodbye to forcing things or getting stuck in endless dreams that never come true state—embrace the action flow of magical manifestation!

Begin studying the Emotional Clearing program today and gain expertise in the following areas:

💫 Kinesiology Muscle Testing: Harness the power of muscle testing to connect with your unconscious mind through your body.

💫 Meridians and Energetic Pathways: Discover the invisible energetic pathways within your body and consciously work with them for success.

💫 Emotional Stress Release Pressure Points: Unlock secret buttons that release stress, balance your nervous system, and align your mind and body.

💫 Levels of Consciousness Clears: Tune your level of consciousness for ease, flow, joy, and wisdom in all aspects of life.

💫 Manifestation Clears: Activate your power centers and manifest anything you desire.

💫 Chakra Clears: Discover how to clear the emotional blocks in your power centres and hold more power & vitality in your body.

💫 Relationship Clears: Discover how to shift the relational space between you and a friend, colleague or family member so you can diffuse arguments, gently dissolve emotional walls, and create deeper connection and honesty.

Buy now for instant access to this entire course & community of awesome humans committed to personal growth and being their best self!

Choose the investment that is right for you:

1 payment of $1500

3 payments of $550

6 payments of $300

  • Mei Ouw brings over 20 years of extensive experience in corporate leadership consulting, training, facilitation and Executive Coaching working with CEO's and Executive teams, and is a Master Trainer in NLP, qualified Kinesiologist, Meta-Coach and Spiral Trainer. Mei brings incredible depth and heart into her training rooms, and will ensure that you deeply understand and embody the method and principles of this powerful work.


Meet Your Trainers

Your Emotional Clearing Trainers each have extensive experience in coaching, healing, and training at the highest level. You can expect both deep understanding of this method and process, and the embodied experience of change that it will open up within you.

  • Kylie Ryan will activate your best self. Kylie brings 18 years of experience in Mindset Coaching. She is the secret weapon of 7-8 figure Entrepreneurs, with the wisdom of having launched over 10 group coaching and online wellness programs and run her own successful business for many years. Kylie is an NLP Trainer, Spiral Trainer, Meta-Coach and has also trained extensively in the mastery of the intuitive gifts she has held since childhood.



Shelley Flett, Leadership Trainer, Facilitator & Coach

“This morning my little 'soul child', Riley, joined me for a Scale of Consciousness clear. He did the muscle testing himself and then did his own clear, including finding the emotions and massaging the pressure points til they cleared. He was absolutely blown away by the process. My little 11 year old went to school positively glowing - he'd cleared to 100,000 and his energy was unreal! Such an awesome resource for him to manage his emotions and reactions to things. Love this so much!

Mei and Kylie are not just incredible teachers but amazing role models for learning and sitting through discomfort in order to transform. The emotional clearing course has helped me find just as much comfort with my feelings as I have with my thoughts. It has helped me remove blocks and find peace with the things I can’t control. As a coach and trainer this program allows me to show up each day as my best self and it feels amazing. I now use emotional clearing practices as part of my daily routine and have started to use it with clients too (with positive results). I would highly recommend this to anyone that lives a busy life and wants consistency, more energy and greater joy!”

Chris Bates, Mens Emotion Coach

“The Emotional Clearing Training was absolutely life-changing - it has become the #1 go-to tool in my kit for keeping myself in an optimal state, working through things I'm feeling, and clearing out old patterns/beliefs that I've identified. After over 10 years of personal development, it's hands down been the best thing to accelerate my growth. I use it daily, in every area of my life, and it's so simple/fast that it's accessible to everyone.

On top of all of that, I got to learn from Mei & Kylie who are HANDS DOWN the best training facilitators I've ever had the honor of learning from. You both brought a diversity of mastery that really made the teaching land, and I felt able (and supported) to really lean into the training and the container. The training is way more than just learning a skill, it changes you, and I absolutely wouldn't hesitate to recommend it - to anyone!”



Kinesiology Muscle Testing
Learn how to use the power of muscle testing to connect with the deepest part of your unconscious mind through your body.

Kinesiology Meridians, and Energetic Pathways
Discover the invisible energetic pathways within your body, and how to consciously work with them to align your frequency for success.

Emotional Stress Release Pressure Points
Discover the secret buttons all over your body that you can touch gently and discreetly anytime to release stress, and balance and align your nervous system.

Levels of Consciousness Clears
Learn how to tune the level of consciousness that you are approaching something with. The higher your level of consciousness, the more ease, flow, joy and wisdom you activate within you!

Manifestation Clears
Discover the pathway within your own body that is a map to create anything you desire in life. Learn how to activate each of your 7 power centres to align yourself to be, do and have anything you want.

Chakra Clears
Ever felt a little funky, or off and you can’t explain why? Imagine how good it would be to clear that cloud and quickly return to a peaceful and powerful state. With chakra clears, you can.

Relationship Clears (Chakra Line Clears)
We all have conflict, disagreements and emotional distress that can show up sometimes with our friends, family and work colleagues. Imagine how wonderful it would be to be able to shift a grudge or move through a conflict or upset in a matter of minutes. This tool saves marriages.

Statement Clears
Discover the fastest way to test if you are holding an unconscious belief in your body, and clear it in seconds. When you can quickly bring your body into harmony and neutrality on any topic you gain an immense level of power to move through life with ease.

Quadrant Clears
Learn how to shift and clear internal conflict in minutes with the power of cartesian logic and Emotional Clearing. If you’ve ever felt torn, or like one part wants this, and the other part wants that, you need to know this process.

Clearing in Daily Life
Learn the daily energetic hygiene routines that we recommend to use these tools each day as you need to keep yourself in a healthy positive state as much as possible so you can manifest your ideal life!

Choose the investment that is right for you:

1 payment of $1500

3 payments of $550

6 payments of $300


  • You can choose a 550USD x 3 monthly payment plan. Comparable AUD rates are available for Australian residents.

  • As this course is available globally our standard payment is in USD. For Australian residents we do have a comparable AUD rate available including GST. If you would prefer to pay in AUD please email us at support@thespiral.com.

  • Yes! You absolutely can. Many Emotional Clearing & Spiral Practitioners use clearing with their children. And children as young as 10 can learn to do the muscle testing and begin clearing for themselves too! We encourage you to use the Emotional Clearing method when your kids need emotional support.

  • No this is not a certification program. This online course is a home study course for personal use and does not qualify you to work with clients using these methods. If you would like to be certified as an Emotional Clearing Practitioner, or complete the full 3 month Spiral Practitioner training simply get in touch with support@thespiral.com to enquire about our next trainings. Your investment in this course will be deducted from your further training, as this course is a part of the larger Certification trainings.

  • Yes! Absolutely. If you are a business coach that is interested in going beyond giving advice and would like to help your clients really follow through on your strategic advice, learning emotional clearing will radically uplevel your confidence in your ability to get results, and help your clients follow through faster. It is the perfect accompaniment to your expertise in business. Many business coaches come to us to learn how to integrate energetics, emotions, being trauma informed and spiritually connected to their strategic business skills.

  • Emotional Clearing is the core tool that we teach as a prerequisite for our Spiral Practitioner Certification. The full certification is a radical personal and professional growth experience, and teaches you a method you can immediately go out and begin selling for 3-6K per client for a 10 session 1:1 program if you wish. The entire program is life-changing. You can complete Emotional Clearing separately first, and that training will be credited for the full Spiral Practitioner certification if you want to complete the rest later. If you’re interested in the full Spiral training, details are here.

  • If you are trained in NLP, Reiki, Tantra, Energetics or some other energetic or healing modality, training in Emotional Clearing will give you some powerful nuances and up levels to deepen and advance your skills in these areas. Learning Emotional clearing is a potent way to bridge the esoteric, intangible aspects of healing, with the practical and tangible behaviours and results that people are often looking for. Learning with us can short-cut your journey as we can also give you insider tips on how you can shift your own wealth resonance and positioning, so you and your clients fully value the transformational work that you do.

  • Yes! Absolutely. If you are a Fitness Coach or PT that is wanting to learn how to help clients with deeper transformational change. Up-skilling with Emotional Clearing will absolutely help you to expand your capacity, confidence and offerings. If you choose to join us in the full Practitioner program you can use these skills with your clients and create an entirely new stream of income from Mindset coaching and Emotional Clearing with your clients, and safeguard your business when you no longer want to continue with the physical demands of in-person Fitness Coaching. As a Fitness and Health Coach you also have the option to upgrade into the full Academy where you get access to all my old weight loss programs as inspiration for your own coaching programs.

  • Our team are here to answer all your questions. Just message us back on chat or email and we’ll help you get clear on whatever you need to know. We’re 100% committed to integrity and fair exchange in how we work and do business, so we will do everything we can to help step into your greatness if it’s a fit. Just email support@thespiral.com

 © 2023 The Spiral School of Awakening