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Pia Simona

Pia Simona is a lover, sister, friend, mother, teacher, dancer, artist, truth seeker, proud Latinx woman and Authentic Self/Empowerment guide. She is passionate about creating and holding non-judgemental space and guiding people back to themselves, their infinite beauty, and the innate power they have always had within; outside of labels, conditioning or constrictions.

Pia lives with endometriosis and PCOS and was bedridden, depressed and lost just a few years ago. She has journeyed the dark depths of chronic pain and illness, institutionalised medicine, depression and childhood trauma that left her hopeless and completely disconnected from herself. After heeding the call she felt from within my heart and suffering body, she decided to dedicate herself to healing from the inside out.

By allowing ourselves to surrender to the frequencies of our own inner knowing, love, magic and play, we can open ourselves up to parts of ourselves we may have forgotten were there. Pia believes that nobody needs fixing because nobody is broken. We have the answers we need to thrive, within us. She will gently guide you to uncover those answers and to give yourself permission to come home to the you that’s yearning to be seen, freed and empowered.


Instagram: @pia.is.me